
Surround Sound

Literature, space, and summer unite in Pushkin House's Surround Sound. Take a meander around the streets and squares of Bloomsbury, the literary heart of London and the home of Pushkin House, and immerse yourself in all kinds of stories. To navigate our Surround Sound audiowalk, use the map below or drop into our bookshop to pick up a paper copy.

Dotted around this map are places which evoked for us a story, a poem or even a song. Take a walk with us to each point and when you arrive, you can listen too - just select the track on the map. If you like what you hear, visit our bookshop afterwards and see what you can find.

You can take any route you like and enjoy to your soundtrack in any order; listening and strolling need no instruction. Surround Sound is about the meaning you find for yourself in these words on your walk around Bloomsbury.

Surround Sound was developed as part of YOUNG, Pushkin House’s meet-up space and programme for people aged 18–26.


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